Interested in joining FAMPO?
National Organizations, and Medical Physicists from countries without a national Society wishing to register under FAMPO should follow the appropriate link below:
Join FAMPO or renew your membership
Reach your full potential as part of the Africa’s community of Medical Physicists. Join professionals, experts, and advisors who can help shape your career, offer resources to acquire new skills, and advance your professional development.
Organizations join FAMPO to drive the direction of medical radiation technology and exchange ideas with research leaders.
Membership of the Federation shall consist of :
- Organizational Membership of IOMP Members
- Individual Membership (See Article 7 of constitution)
- Honorary Membership (See Article 7 of constitution)
- Additional categories of membership created according to Article 8 of constitution.
Interested in joining FAMPO?
FAMPO delivers access to most essential technical information, networking opportunities, career development tools, and many other exclusive benefits to its member.
General membership benefits include access to:
- International conferences, symposia and workshops on advanced medical radiation techniques.
- International networks of scientists, technologists and practitioners.
- Current hot topics and information via the website as well as archived materials.
- access to the exclusive FAMPO member emailing list